Richard is in LA overseeing the production of our Cuddy composting toilet.
This shiny piece here is one of 10 molds that we have. Can you tell for which part this mold is for?
It's for the solids bin. Cuddy composting toilet comes with a separate solids bin. This allows for quick and easy emptying. It was one of the pain points of other composting toilets, and we knew we needed to improve.
Here you can see some solids bin cooling.

This board is known as a 'Fixture' it holds the bins in position as the press operator runs more shots, so they cool for the right length of time. The thing on top is the weight - precisely calibrated to 'heavy enough.' The glove lets them know which was the last one out.
The process of making this composting toilet has really been a learning process! Thank you to UPM our USA manufacturer, for all of their help.