Good morning/evening CC
Happy belated International Women's Day!! Which if you didn't realize was yesterday March 8th. We missed it cause we were drinkin.
A big welcome to all of our new members! YAY!
A lot of you signed up on our IndieGOGO prelaunch page. Thank you!
We're so grateful to have you all. We need your help to get Cuddy made!!
It's been a pretty busy week here at Compo Headquarters - presently on our balcony in Almuñcar, Spain - so let's get you all updated.

April 4th. It's a big day. Make sure to mark your calendars cause that's when it gets super real.
Not only are we launching on April 4th but we are also giving away a Cuddy to one of you in our Compo Community! We told you last week and we're telling you again now. You can jump to the next section if you're bored 😜.
But for all of you newbies and those who missed it last week, here is the low-down.
If you’re on our list - you’re already entered BUT you can get your name entered more times by sharing the love.
How? Share this newsletter on social media via the link below. Get your peeps involved! We need all the help we can get 💚 (shameless plug to share our stuff sorry). Don't want to? Don't worry there will be more opportunities to get another entry 😍
Additionally, we want to show our love for our true supporters. We will have a limited number of toilets at a special 15% off available for our newsletter subscribers. The good news is that it’s first come first serve and you guys get them first. The bad news is you have to keep reading the newsletter to get the promo 😂

Cuddy 2.1!
We mentioned last week that Richard and Kalp have (still) been working on the design of Cuddy. Well if you hadn't noticed we've got a new rendering up on the website, social, etc.
What's the difference?
The vent to Cuddy's internal fan is now on his backside.

No! Don't you worry. The internal carbon zeolite filter takes care of any bad wind 😂.
Additionally, the sliders to operate the Drop Zone mechanism are now replaced by a simple knob under the lid. Making Cuddy look even more streamlined on the outside.
For those of you waiting to take a peek inside, the patent is under review and as soon as it's filed (later this week!) we'll be 'lifting the lid' on the Cuddy.
Tiny House Conference
The Tiny House Conference wrapped up on Sunday. A huge shout out to Jason & Zach at Tinyhouse.com the event was fantastic.
Have to admit we didn't get to watch a lot of the talks live due to the time difference, but we particularly loved the cocktail hour. It was like speed dating- you had 5 min increments to connect with a different member of the tiny house community, one after another.
We met some great people and chatted a lot of sh*t, cause that's what we do.
Stories we love
This week we learned of brilliant.org - a cool STEM learning tool to help both kids and adults. Ever wondered how Pythagoras figured out his theorem? Well, their cool animations make it really simple, intuitive, and fun!
Richard is passionate about maths and science just being problem solving - everything is really just a fun puzzle... like sudoku but actually useful!
Check out the example below to flex your muscles :)

That's it for now!
Ok so it wasn't mindblowing but we want to keep you all updated as we go along. You are a big part of our journey (so sappy, I know).
I promise next week we'll have more news, hopefully, a peek inside Cuddy, and more things/people we love.
We encourage you to send us any questions, cool things, websites, articles, etc.
Break out and let us get to know you!
