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One down... one to Go!

Updated: Sep 7, 2021

(That's a good thing in this case!)

After just a short period, Kalp and I have finalised the design of Cuddy and moved onto Rangr. The good news is that progress is really fast - we can re-use the components again and all the effort tweaking their functionality means it's plug-and-play baby! ...At least for now but hey - sing while you're winning.

I can't emphasise enough how important good communication is. Solving problems is fun - look at sudoku, crosswords, escape rooms, chess, computer games. If you want an interesting job - it's going to involve problem solving. If you're going to work on meaningful problems, they're going to be bigger than just your own capabilities (think MMO games). In that case you're going to need to discuss the problem with someone agree a solution and explain the unforeseen complications that also need solutions. Believe me these happen.

For anyone with kids that need a reason to improve their language and communication skills show them this blog post. I care less about whether you have the skills to solve the problem right now. I first need both of us to know what the the problem is and agree what we're going to do about it.

Sure, you're going to need a certain level of knowledge around the subject matter just to be able to communicate. But the better someone is as explaining a problem - the better they are at solving it. But don't take my word for it - here's two of my heroes putting much better than me:

Ok. Time to get off my soap box and back to work.


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