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Real-world Fail 🤦‍♀️

We told you last time that we had sent off our first Cuddy to be tested by Kristen Bor from Bearfoot Theory and that there had been an issue with a valve we're trying. Our original choice for the valve is still an option, but it's pretty spendy.

Don't worry. Cuddy will come with a valve. However, like parts in your car, it will need replacing, so we're trying to find alternatives that won't cost you as much to replace.

The second valve had, up until that point, worked for us. This time not so much. There was a bit of clean-up to do. But now we know and will continue to test valves.

In the two videos, Richard talks you through the issue and demonstrates a stress test of the original valve, so you see it works. 😉


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