A few days after submitting the design for 3d printing I was celebrating with a few too many beers. That led to a poor night's sleep (please read how important sleep is here) and the mother of all beer-fear sessions the next morning. (OK, so not all beer fear session - I know I kept my clothes on, and still had both shoes this time)
Whilst questioning my self worth I turned to the solids cover. Fearing poop getting all the places it shouldn't and receiving a barrage of 0-star comments from disgruntled people, some of whom would take it upon themselves to ship a toilet full of poop to me demanding a refund.
The things I didn't like about the previous design were the number of moving parts. Yes the drop zone was huuge, and the pee space adjustable but I didn't fully feel comfortable with the sliding knobs - even if they look cool. They weaken the structure and would need to be covered with bristles to keep the bugs out...
So I started from scratch - hard to do when you have an idea already in your head. Luckily the beer was still working so there wasn't much up there to hold on to. I looked back over my sketches from earlier made a few sketches and boom.. v2 on it's way.
As I type this I'm working with Kalp on the mechanism (have been since 5am 🥱). The essential bits are already there (because it's simple - and Kalp is awesome) and right now we've thrown several elegant driving mechanisms into the air and are we're on V1 - the simplest option.
If you're keen for us to 'lift the lid' well, I'll need a few more days to rewrite the patent with the new design. The good news is I should be able to show the old one (that you wont have!?) soon - and you can be safe in the knowledge that when I can actually show you what we'll actually be doing - it will be better...
Sorry for the delay in the big reveal, compo fans... I'm on it like a car bonnet and should be back on track by the end of the week!
Good things come to those who wait... and compost.