Hey Compo Crew,
It’s been a crazy week here at CompoCloset. We have good and bad news for you.
You can watch Richard’s video for the full lowdown on all the details, but in short, the new prototype has arrived and has revealed a potential problem with part of the base design. It's nothing we can't fix, though, and in fact, we've already worked out how to improve it.
However, it is also really GOOD news because we discovered the issue before we ordered the molds. This is really why prototypes are first made and tested before you spend lots of money on molds.
What does that mean? It means we will be working flat out to get you your Cuddy, but it will again take a bit longer than expected. We will review the new reinforced design in the next few days and order a new prototype asap.
While it's disappointing news, we're also really grateful to find this issue now instead of later.
Thank you all for your continued trust and support. Going through the highs and lows with you, Compo Crew is amazing and makes crowdfunding truly an incredible experience.
We got this.
Erica and Richard.